Cancer Biology & Medicine (CBM)
The Official Journal of the China Anti-Cancer Association
ISSN: 2095-3941, CN: 12-1431/R
Volumes for 2022: Vol. 19, 12 issues (Jan-Dec 2022).
Subscription Period: Calendar Year for Institutional Subscriptions.
Term: Monthly, published on the last day of every month, 12 times annually.
Back files: Audience have free access to all online archives starting with Vol.1 in 2004,,
CBM Subscriptions
Prices are in RMB and U.S. Dollars and include postage. All orders must be prepaid. Institutional Rates apply to libraries, college/university departments and other facilities and organizations involving multiple readerships. Personal Rates apply to individual customers. These subscriptions are limited to the personal use of the individual named on the subscription order.
• Institutional Subscription Rates
China: 1440 RMB
Rest of the World: $720
• Personal Subscription Rates
China: 1200 RMB
Rest of the World: $600
• Single Issue Rates
China: 110 RMB per issue plus shipping
Rest of the World: $55 per issue plus shipping
Ordering Form
Click here to download the Ordering Form.
Contact information
Cancer Biology & Medicine
The 3rd Floor of Building C, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, Huanhuxi Road, He-xi District, Tianjin 300060, P.R.China
Tel: +86-22-2352 2919
Fax: +86-22-2352 2919
Email: [email protected]
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