Table 1

Summary of multiplex imaging methods, related analytical software, research fields, and new targets discovered via these technologies

MethodsAnalytical softwareResearch fieldsNew therapeutic targets
IMC (Hyperion)1CellProfiler, histoCAT, Voronoi diagramsHCCResident macrophages12
Breast carcinomaVimentin+Slug macrophages13
CODEX2Volumetric segmentation algorithm by Yury Goltsev et al.2, X-shiftColorectal cancerPD-1+CD4+ T cells15
§Immuno-SABER3Imaging of normal human tissue
TSA systems (Vectra Polaris)7Nuance and InForm image analysis software (PerkinElmer)HCCTreg and exhausted CD8 T cells16, PD-18

IMC, imaging mass cytometry; CODEX, co-detection by indexing; §Immuno-SABER, immunostaining with signal amplification by exchange reaction; TSA systems, tyramide signal amplification system.