Table 1

Clinical, biological, and pathological characteristics of the 115 HNSCC patients, and their associations with PFS

Characteristicsn(%)ProgressioncHRd95% CI (HR)PFSe
Age at diagnosis0.21
 <60 years53(46.1)471
 ≥60 years62(53.9)500.77[0.52; 1.15]
 Male89(77.4)791.47[0.87; 2.45]
 Yes95(86.4)852.63[1.27; 5.45]
 Yes50(57.5)451.27[0.79; 2.03]
HPV status0.007
 Positive15(13.0)90.4[0.2; 0.8]
AJCC stage0.13
 Stage I–II16(13.9)141
 Stage III24(20.9)170.56[0.27; 1.14]
 Stage IV75(65.2)660.94[0.53; 1.69]
Tumor location0.67
 Oral cavity33(28.7)291
 Oropharynx50(45.5)410.74[0.46; 1.20]
 Larynx15(13.0)120.87[0.44; 1.71]
 Hypopharynx8 (7.00)81.15[0.53; 2.53]
 Other9(7.80)70.98[0.43; 2.25]
Treatment settingNAfNAfNAf
 Cetuximab in first-line recurrent setting77(67.0)72
 Cetuximab + radiotherapy38(33.0)25

Bold values are statistically significant. aInformation available for 110 patients; binformation available for 87 patients; cprogression data collected until June 2016; dHR estimated by non-adjusted Cox proportional hazards model; eP value of the log-rank test; fNot applicable as the clinical setting is different. HR, hazard ratio; HNSCC, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; PFS, progression-free survival.