Table 2

The functional microRNA aberrations in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas

MicroRNAExpressionFunction*Confirmed target*Potential clinical valueDiseaseReferences
MiR-155Over-OGSATB1Phase 1 trial of cobomarsenMFt, SS, PCALCL97101
MiR-181a/bOver-UnidentifiedSAMHD1MFt, SS97,175,176
MiR-125b-5pOGMAD4Chemotherapy resistanceCTCL110
MiR-122Over-OGChemotherapy resistanceMFt109
MiR-21Over-OGPrognosisMFt, SS, PCALCL97,104,105
MiR-142-3p/5pOver-OGMFt, PCALCL97,104
MiR-150Down-TSCCR6Stage IV MF, SS114,175
MiR-29bDown-TSBRD4MF, SS, PCALCL15,111
MiR-16Down-TSBMI1MF, SS117,175
MiR-223Down-TSTOXMF, SS112,175
MiR-200cDown-TSJAG1MF, SS, PCALCL97,116
Let-7a, let-7d and let-7fDown-UnidentifiedLet-7a for prognosisMFt127

OG, oncogene; MFt, tumor-stage mycosis fungoides; SS, Sézary syndrome; PCALCL, primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma; CTCL, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; MF, mycosis fungoides; TS, tumor suppressor. *All of the confirmed targets and functions of microRNAs have been validated by experimental data of CTCLs.