Estimates of cumulative false-positive screening outcomes

Study (source or setting)Cumulative false-positive screening mammography outcome
Hubbard et al.37 (US Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium mammography registries) Cumulative probability of false-positive screen for 10 years of annual screening
Age 40: 61.3% (95%CI: 59.4–63.1)
Age 50: 61.3% (95%CI: 58.0–64.7)
Cumulative probability of false-positive screen for 10 years of biennial screening
Age 40: 41.6% (95%CI: 40.6–42.5)
Age 50: 42.0% (95%CI: 40.4–43.7)
Cumulative probability of false-positive biopsy for 10 years of annual screening
Age 40: 7.0% (95%CI: 6.1–7.8)
Age 50: 9.4% (95%CI: 7.4–11.5
Cumulative probability of false-positive biopsy for 10 years of biennial screening
Age 40: 4.8% (95%CI: 4.4–5.2)
Age 50: 6.4% (95%CI: 5.6–7.2)
Paci et al.27 (Euroscreen review of service screening, European programs) Cumulative probability of false-positive screen for 10 biennial screens (in women aged 50-69 years)
Pooled estimate 17% (range 8% to 21%) without invasive procedure and 3% with invasive assessment (needle and/or surgical biopsy).
Barratt et al.31 (data from Australian breast screening program) Cumulative number of false-positive screen* out of 1000 over 10 years of biennial screens (five screens)
Age 50: 209 per 1000 (20.9%)
Age 60: 147 per 1000 (14.7%)

* Number has been approximated from the report by Barratt et al31 (calculated from number recalled minus number diagnosed with BC).