Screening strategy of esophageal cancer in high-risk areas of China

Population40–69 years old high risk population
MethodEndoscopy + iodine staining+ indicative biopsy
Pathologic diagnostic criteria
 Mild dysplasiaAtypical cells are distributed mainly in the basement membrane, less than 1/3 of the epithelium
 Moderate dysplasiaAtypical cells are involved in the top layer of epithelium or less than 2/3 of the epithelium
 SD/CISPrecursor lesions involve the epithelium without invading the basement membrane; atypical cells are fully or almost fully distributed in the epithelium with a clear structure of the basement membrane
 Intramucosal carcinomaLamina propria is invaded and restricted to the mucosa layer; the rate of lymph node metastasis rate ranges from 1% to 5%
 Submucosal carcinomaSubmucosa is invaded; muscular layer of esophagus is not invaded; the rate of lymph node metastasis ranges from 10% to 50%
Treatment and follow-up
 Mild dysplasia/moderate dysplasiaInterventions such as nutrition or medication can be taken, affecting their differentiation in its reversal Follow-up for these patients should be conducted every 3-5 years
 SD/CIS and intramucosal carcinomaThese patients should receive the treatment of EMR/APC. Follow-up should also be conducted annually
 Submucosal carcinomaThese patients should receive the Esophagectomy. Esophagectomy should also be conducted for patients with SD/CIS or intramucosal carcinoma and the lesion is large than 3 cm in diameter or invasion of esophageal circumference 3/4
 In advanced esophageal cancerStandard treatments, such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy should be used according to the conditions of patients

SD: sever dysplasia; CIS: carcinoma in situ; EMA: endoscopic mucosal resection; APC: argon plasma coagulation.