Table 1

Regulatory mechanisms of gene expression and protein function of GAPDH

FactorsmRNA level of GAPDHGAPDH function
InsulinUpregulating the mRNA level of GAPDH via IRE in GAPDH promoterEnhancing glycolytic activity of GAPDH, inducing drug resistance, and protecting cells against CICD via PI3K/AKT pathway
HIF-1Upregulating the mRNA level of GAPDH via hypoxia response element in GAPDH promoterEnhancing glycolysis and GAPDH participation in drug resistance and cell proliferation via PI3K/AKT pathway
P53Upregulating the mRNA level of GAPDH via an unclear mechanismEnhancing GAPDH nuclear translocation and pro-apoptotic function, which is inhibited by AKT
NOUpregulating the mRNA level of GAPDH via an unclear mechanismEnhancing GAPDH nuclear translocation and pro-apoptotic function, which is inhibited by AKT
Acetylated histoneDownregulating the mRNA level of GAPDH via an unclear mechanismShowing inconsistent effects on GAPDH cell fate that determines function via unclear mechanisms

GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; IRE, insulin response elements; CICD, caspase-independent cell death; NO, nitric oxide.