RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Intussusception Induced by Transverse Colon Lipoma in a Young Male Patient—One Case Report JF Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research JO Cancer Biol Med FD China Anti-Cancer Association SP 247 OP 249 DO 10.1007/s11805-011-0589-1 VO 8 IS 4 A1 SUN, Ting-ting A1 SONG, Yong-xi A1 ZHANG, Xiao-ye A1 YU, Miao A1 WANG, Zhen-ning A1 XU, Hui-mian YR 2011 UL http://www.cancerbiomed.org/content/8/4/247.abstract AB Colonic lipoma is an uncommon benign non-epithelial tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. It typically occurs in the ascending colon and among old female patients. Most cases are asymptomatic and do not require any special treatment. However, we encountered a young male patient with a symptomatic lipoma located in the transverse colon that induced a transcolocolonic intussusception. He presented with such symptoms as diarrhea, tenesmus, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Colonoscopy revealed a spherical polypoid lesion with partial congestion and ulceration on its surface, and the related biopsy revealed spindle cell hyperplasia and inflammatory cell infiltration. Reduction of the intussusception was not attempted, and transverse hemicolectomy was conducted. Although several novel techniques have been reported for the diagnosis and treatment of colonic lipoma, for our case patient, an exact diagnosis was made postoperatively via histological examination and laparotomy was performed.