PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Du, Yihui AU - Zhao, Yingru AU - Sidorenkov, Grigory AU - de Bock, Geertruida H. AU - Cui, Xiaonan AU - Huang, Yubei AU - Dorrius, Monique D. AU - Rook, Mieneke AU - Groen, Harry J. M. AU - Heuvelmans, Marjolein A. AU - Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn AU - Chen, Kexin AU - Xie, Xueqian AU - Liu, Shiyuan AU - Oudkerk, Matthijs AU - Ye, Zhaoxiang TI - Methods of computed tomography screening and management of lung cancer in Tianjin: design of a population-based cohort study AID - 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2018.0237 DP - 2019 Feb 01 TA - Cancer Biology and Medicine PG - 181--188 VI - 16 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Cancer Biol Med2019 Feb 01; 16 AB - Objective: European lung cancer screening studies using computed tomography (CT) have shown that a management protocol based on measuring lung nodule volume and volume doubling time (VDT) is more specific for early lung cancer detection than a diameter-based protocol. However, whether this also applies to a Chinese population is unclear. The aim of this study is to compare the diagnostic performance of a volume-based protocol with a diameter-based protocol for lung cancer detection and optimize the nodule management criteria for a Chinese population.Methods: This study has a population-based, prospective cohort design and includes 4000 participants from the Hexi district of Tianjin, China. Participants will undergo low-dose chest CT at baseline and after 1 year. Initially, detected lung nodules will be evaluated for diameter and managed according to a routine diameter-based protocol (Clinical Practice Guideline in Oncology for Lung Cancer Screening, Version 2.2018). Subsequently, lung nodules will be evaluated for volume and management will be simulated according to a volume-based protocol and VDT (a European lung nodule management protocol). Participants will be followed up for 4 years to evaluate lung cancer incidence and mortality. The primary outcome is the diagnostic performance of the European volume-based protocol compared to diameter-based management regarding lung nodules detected using low-dose CT.Results: The diagnostic performance of volume- and diameter-based management for lung nodules in a Chinese population will be estimated and compared.Conclusions: Through the study, we expect to improve the management of lung nodules and early detection of lung cancer in Chinese populations.